Cinematic Artwork Illustrates Surreal Scenes From Futuristic Worlds

For ages science fiction and fantasy has fueled artwork but with the easy access to technology this artwork has increased. Jie Ma has taken the science fiction art field to a new level.  His works paint extremely realistic looking pictures of futuristic worlds, not all of them too bright.  One can only be left wondering where he got the ideas for his art. Each piece of art depicts a different view of the future from the artist’s head.  Each image will leave your mind in a state of disbelief.  Take for example, Jie’s work that shows an astronaut riding through the forest on a horse, while it rains. The astronaut also has multiple arrows protruding from his body.  This contrast of how we expect the future to be with a mix of the past makes you wonder about where we are headed.

A lot of Jie Ma’s art features books and libraries.  Large bookcases, books flowing on the ground, or impossible rooms stacked sky-high with books.  Will the future be full of hope and knowledge or despair and ignorance.  Impossible architecture such as floating buildings and stairs also appear quite regularly.  All of this is in such high quality that you could believe that these were actually images from the future, whether possible or not.

Jie Ma: Website | Behance via [Illusion]

Cinematic Artwork Illustrates

Cinematic Artwork Illustrates

Cinematic Artwork Illustrates

Cinematic Artwork Illustrates

Cinematic Artwork Illustrates

Cinematic Artwork Illustrates

Cinematic Artwork Illustrates

Cinematic Artwork Illustrates

Cinematic Artwork Illustrates

Cinematic Artwork Illustrates

Cinematic Artwork Illustrates

Cinematic Artwork Illustrates

Cinematic Artwork Illustrates

Cinematic Artwork Illustrates