Bookmobiles: 15 Rare Photos Of The Libraries On Wheels In The Past

The first bookmobile is thought to have appeared in England in the late 1850s. It was a horse-drawn cart and included about 12,000. Later, large customized libraries on wheels became part of American culture and reached their height of popularity in the mid-20th century.

1. An Opened Bookmobile, 1925

bookmobile library on wheels
Numismatic Bibliomania Society

2. The First Bookmobile Of The Public Library Of Cincinnati, 1927

bookmobile library on wheels
Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County

3. A Mobile Library In Kurdistan, Iran, 1970


4. Inside A Bookmobile, 1960s

bookmobile library on wheels

5. One Of The Library Bookmobiles, C. 1948.

bookmobile library on wheels
Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County

6. A Bookmobile In Indonesia, Early 20th Century.


7. The Bookmobile In Columbia Park, C. 1940

bookmobile library on wheels
Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County

8. Bookmobile

bookmobile library on wheels

Multnomah County Library

9. Book Caravan In Iowa, C.1927

10. Multnomah County Library, 1926

bookmobile library on wheels
Multnomah County Library

11. Greensboro, North Carolina, 1936

bookmobile library on wheels
Crossett Library

12. An Impatient Queue For A Dutch Bookmobile

bookmobile library on wheels

13. The Library’s Bookmobile On Compton Road, C.1933

bookmobile library on wheels
Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County

14. Three Of The Bookmobile Staff, C.1930

bookmobile library on wheels
Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County

15. Craig Medvigny (left) And David Sutton Enjoying A Book; Eleanor Mann Substitute Traveling Branch Librarian, C. 1920s

bookmobile library on wheels
Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County