150,000 Botanical And Animal Illustrations Available, Download Free From Biodiversity Heritage Library

The Biodiversity Heritage Library is the world’s largest open-access digital archive dedicated to life on Earth. It is comprised of animal sketches, historical diagrams, botanical studies, and various scientific research collected from hundreds of thousands of journals and libraries around the globe.

Since 2011, this library has been building an archive on Flickr. By allowing users to gain access to these images, they’re helping us understand how nature has been depicted throughout history. At least 150,000 incredible illustrations are available for free download in high-resolution files thanks to the Biodiversity Heritage Library. Website | Facebook | Instagram | Flickr

The birds of Great Britain” (1873)

Rural hours” (1851)

Beautiful birds in far-off lands” (1872)

The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands (1771)

The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands (1771)

Zoological sketches” (1861-1867)

The mushroom book” (1901)

The botanical cabinet” (1817-1833)

Water-color sketches of plants of North America and Europe

Flore des serres et des jardins de l’Europe (1845-1880)

Selected articulate animals

The naturalist’s miscellany, or Coloured figures of natural objects

Horticultural Belgium

Natural, general and specific history of living acetabuiferous cephalopods, and fossils