Tiny But Not “Primitive”
Tiny houses are not nicely made up holes in the ground; they are fully functioning dwellings. You can have wifi, electricity, plumbing — satellite, cable. It all depends on what you want, but no matter what you choose, tiny living is in no way primitive. Have all the essentials or just a few. Opt for a flat screen or a bubble tv from the 80s.

A Less Materialistic Way To Live
Tiny houses are certainly beautiful and well designed, but they are limited on space (no kidding). Creating a dwelling that is restrictive in many ways is great for someone with a non materialistic world view; for someone looking to live simply, or even off the land, but not like a caveman. As well, living in a tiny house could help create an atmosphere of non materialism.

Even More Options
Recently, people have been looking at tiny houses in a new light: as potential economic structures for the homeless, and for other similar shelters. With more simplistic structures, these homes can be built and run more cheaply, making them a great such option.

Modern Styles
So many of these homes are gorgeous — made with very modern styles. They certainly don’t look like a shack in the woods; they look like miniature versions of top quality homes (which they are)!

Home Made Living
Mini homes can be and usually are made from scratch. Builders have so many options on what materials to use and how to shape it, and these homes pose an interesting challenge: making a home that is tiny, but sustainable and is truly possible to live in.