The Old Town of Jeddah, also known as Al-Balad, which means ”The Town”, is the historic center of Jeddah, the second-largest city in Saudi Arabia. It is a unique town with its texture and rich history. Maze-like alleyways, antique and ornate doors, latticework windows, and cobblestone streets characterize the historical town.

Al-Balad was founded in the 7th century and served as the center of Jeddah until the 1970s. It was built to be a commercial center and was once the primary gateway to Makkah. Today it is famous for its distinct traditional architecture, which became a World Heritage Site in 2014. The historical town has 500-year-old buildings that are now under restoration and protection. The Saudi Arabian government launched a project to restore Al-Balad and attract tourists.

Historic Jeddah is the last surviving urban site along the Red Sea that still preserves its ancient cultural attributes, consisting of a commercial-based economy and multi-cultural environment.
The traditional houses are characterized by their wooden, lattice windows called ”Roshan”. This type of window allows a constant stream of air and provides larger space which helps the airflow into the room and allows privacy. The houses were mainly constructed using coral stones. The ancient and colorful doors are another prominent feature of the architecture of Al-Balad. These doors used to get closed at night to protect the markets. The tight architecture keeps the town cool despite the scorching heat of Jeddah.

Al Shafei Mosque, another World Heritage Site, and Al Mimar Mosque, the second largest mosque in Jeddah, are other attraction sites in Jeddah.