Military Hospital, Germany
In the photograph you see the inside of an old German hospital. We do not know the memories and stories the building is keeping inside its facade. You can not keep yourself from searching for a silhouette in the picture of this old structure.

El Hotel del Salto, Colombia
Near Tequendama Falls, there is a hotel which was inaugurated in 1928. It was a place for resting and having a nice holiday with a great scenery over the crags. The natives of the area think that the hotel is such a spooky place because quite a lot of people threw themselves from the cliffs, the hotel was shut down in 1990s.

Tree Growing Through Piano
This photograph of a tree grown through a piano is awesome. It is certainly a curious case why the piano was left alone in the country side for so many years. It would be very interesting to learn how this thing happened; however I do not think that it would be nice to come across this in the forest.

Abandoned Palace, Poland
Somethings are hard to understand, the current state of this mansion is one of those things. Does it have owners or some family members who inherited it? Is it the property of government? The fact that it is standing alone and empty is more depressing than creepy.

Abandoned House in Woods
A wracked house visible through fog which is standing in the middle of a forest is quite an eerie composition. If it was a scene from a horror movie there would probably be a person running out of the house with a terrified expression on the face.