A Brief History Of Technology From 4 Billion Years Ago To Today

27 B.C.

According to Vitruvius, Roman surveyors used odometers, consisting of wooden carts fitted with a mechanism of toothed gears, to measure out all those famous roads that led back to Rome.

1st Century A.D.

The Alexandrian engineer Hero invents the ‘aeolipile’ or ‘Hero’s Engine’- an early steam-driven turbine.

A.D. 132

The Han Chinese polymath Zhang Heng invents a ‘seismoscope’ capable of detecting distant earthquakes and locating where they occurred.

9th Century

The Andalusian scientist- poet Abbas ibn Firnas was among the first to attain flight; in case, apparently by means of a kind of glider.

CA. 1232

Gunpowder rockets invented in Song Dynasty China.


The Spaniard Jeronimo de Ayanz y Beaumont obtained a patent from the Spanish monarchy for a steam-driven water pump; subsequent incarnations and refinements by Savery, Newcomen, and Watt initiated the first Industrial Revolution.


Charles Babbage designs his ‘difference engine’ which- while never quite completed- paves the way for future computing machines.


Etinne Lenoir invents a commercially successful gas-fired internal combustion engine; ‘hippomobiles’ were subsequently designed to incorporate the new engine.


First controlled and sustained flight of a powered, heavier-than-air flying vehicle, conducted by the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk.


The age of supercomputing is heralded by the installation of huge tabulating and calculating machines, manufactured by IBM at Columbia University.


The German V-2 (Vergeltungswaffe 2) or ‘Vengeance’ weapon becomes the first long-range guided ballistic missile. It is the first manmade object to cross the boundary of space and sets the pattern for all space vehicles.


Electricity first produced by a nuclear fission power plant at the Experimental Breeder Reactor No. 1 (EBR-1) in Arco, Idaho. Ushers in the ‘Atomic Age’ of more intensive human energy use.