Farming Preschool Would Teach Kids How To Grow Their Own Food

For anyone with kids, the worry about what the world will bing for future is strong.  This is because there is not enough emphasis being put on skills such as being self-sufficient and making do with what you have at the moment.  Many parents try to teach this to their children – some succeed while others don’t – but it’s hard to fight when our society is pulling children in the opposite direction, isn’t it?  Well, now there’s a preschool that’s joining the fight so that your child can be taught from an early age to be self sufficient and green in how they live.

This special preschool is engineered to orient a child’s education around growing successful vegetables and learning how to make do with everything that you have at your disposal.  Children will be able to learn essential skills like any other preschool, but they will also get an education on how to live green and how to make use of renewable energy.  It is an impressive program that, while still new, has won awards with its progress already.  If only more operations and environments could follow suit, right?

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source: inhabitat, aut- -aut, ArchDaily