Animal Panorama Fails That Went Hilariously Wrong And Perfect

These 30 animal panorama fails went so hilariously wrong and perfect that they are deserved to be seen.

Here is our previous ‘animal panorama fails’ post.

1. Please Take Panoramic Pictures Of Your Bebbies

panorama failsLeila Ard

2. The Dog Moved While Taking A Panorama Picture And Now He’s Cerberus


3. Haters Will Say It’s Photoshopped

panorama fails

4. That Moment When You Try To Take A Nice Panorama Shot Of Your Dog On The Beach


5. Welsh Corgi Limousine

panorama failsN_ONE1128

6. Panorama Doggo Gone Wrong


7. These Two

panorama failsShelby Bender Gareau

8. Happy Mutant Doggy


9. His Name Is Dewey And He’s Literally The Best Dog. He Is A Yellow Lab/Retriever And, On His Good Days, He Has 4 Legs

panorama failsSadie Swicker

10. Boop My Snoot. I Insist
