A Normal Day In Russia: Hilarious And Weird Things That Are Just Normal In Russia

Russia is not an ordinary country, at least Russian people make us think this way. In the subreddit Normal Day In Russia people share hilarious and weird things that are just normal in Russia and here are 40 of the hilarious ones.

1. Родина, Сынок

normal in russiamrObry

2. Accurate Analysis


3. This Bear Has A Death Wish

normal in russiaMissingSpyder

4. When The Guy Behind You Keeps Hitting The Chair


5. Not Exactly What You Want To See Coming Into Land At A Russian Airport

normal in russiaqevoh

6. Siberian Seasons. Frost & Mosquitoes


7. Not Sure If This Belongs Here, But…

normal in russiatotalinfonet

8. Don’t You Take My Parking Spot


9. When You Crash Your Cars And Wait For Traffic Police

normal in russiaAreskoi

10. Kirov Reporting
