Sea Bunnies: Japan Is Going Crazy About These Furry Sea Slugs

Cute and slugs are two words you would never typically associate with each other. Yet Japan has been going crazy for the image on one sea species of sea slug known as the Jorunna Parva. The reason can be attributed to the likeness to a small bunny, thanks to their color and fluffy ‘ears’. By ears, we actually mean the rhinophores, which are organs that allow the sea slug to detect chemicals in the water as they scurry across the sea bed. The photos are become more and more [popular, with the tiny sea slugs located in the Indian ocean, going all the way upwards past the Philippians and to Japan.

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cute bunny sea slug

cute bunny sea slug

cute bunny sea slug

cute bunny sea slug

cute bunny sea slug

cute bunny sea slug

cute bunny sea slug

cute bunny sea slug