Tiny House
The Tiny House movement is on fire. There are tiny houses cropping up around the globe as people are learning to live in smaller spaces. They are super efficient homes that can provide everything you need to live a full life (except space).

Rock House
This house is built using rocks between two giant boulders. It is a practical but odd house that gets tons of attention for its ingenious design.

The Extension House Sydney, Australia
This quaint bungalow in Sydney Australia has the ability to extend the living space much like you find in an RV. The slide out sections depend on a hydraulic system, it is a very interesting design concept.

Bavarian Palaces
No home tour virtual or otherwise is complete unless you check out the Bavarian Palaces. These palaces are the MOST ornate and lavish homes in the world. They are simply amazing and a sight to behold.

Nature Believing Centrum
This house is truly one with nature. It is odd looking but blends perfectly in with is natural surroundings. It is at the very top of the list when it comes to environmental friendliness!