Striking Photographs of the Ancient Tradition of Honey Hunting in Nepal

There are many things that environmentalists have to say about the fact that the bees are dying off around the world, and these photos that show the life of honey gatherers so perfectly really gives us a look into how the world operates for those who rely on this for their living.

Honey Hunting in Nepal

Photographing the ancient tradition of honey hunting with a small tribe in Nepal, we can see – as the rest of the world can, now – that it is a dangerous lifestyle, but that is familiar and loved by those who grew up with it.  It is dying off with the elders of the tribe due to lack of interest in today’s youth, as well as the fact that honey hunting is getting more dangerous because of the lack of bees that are in the world, now. Hopefully, this will raise awareness for beast and human. Andrew Newey: Website via (The Guardian)

Honey Hunting in Nepal

Honey Hunting in Nepal

Honey Hunting in Nepal

Honey Hunting in Nepal

Honey Hunting in Nepal

Honey Hunting in Nepal

Honey Hunting in Nepal

Honey Hunting in Nepal

Honey Hunting in Nepal