These Family Photos Remain Almost Unchanged Though They Were Taken Dozens of Years Apart

My dad and I; me and my son…

family photos unchanged dozens years apart© reddit

Father’s on the left, daughter’s on the right

family photos unchanged dozens years apart© huffpost

The first picture shows two friends, the second — their sons

family photos unchanged dozens years apart© people

Mother and daughter: the red dress after 25 years

family photos unchanged dozens years apart© thelifestylefactory

In 2012, this guy repeated his father’s photo session from 1976

family photos unchanged dozens years apart© espreso

A photo 87 years apart: great-grandmother Michelle and her great-granddaughter Lucy

family photos unchanged dozens years apart© catdumb

A great-great-grandfather and his great-great-grandson 1917/1995

family photos unchanged dozens years apart© pstatp

Mom and her son

family photos unchanged dozens years apart

© qpic

A dad and his son cosplaying him

family photos unchanged dozens years apart© blogspot

They’re both 21 here: grandfather Henry and his grandson Edward

family photos unchanged dozens years apart© amazonaws