Animal Ski Masks By Teya Salat

As the winter approaches, you have to start thinking about protective gear for your face when looking at going out in the cold for an extended period of time.  Tattoo artists Teya Salat has found us a great way to stay safe and protected without giving up our edgy style with these various animal ski masks that you can see below.  All of them are entirely unique and sure to please anyone out there that is searching for something new and exciting to show off some style.  Dramatic and very realistic to their furry look a likes, you can look like the animal of your choosing, especially with your ski goggles on.  From grumpy cat, to an adorable goat, there are several options to choose from.  If you want to do winter in style, this is a great way to keep yourself from giving up practicality and keeping a fun and exciting style.

More info: (h/t: designyoutrust)

Animal Ski Masks By Teya Salat

Animal Ski Masks By Teya Salat

Animal Ski Masks By Teya Salat

Animal Ski Masks By Teya Salat

Animal Ski Masks By Teya Salat

Animal Ski Masks By Teya Salat

Animal Ski Masks By Teya Salat