27 Astonishing Things That Can Never Be Unseen Again

And the speeder in the upcoming Star Wars is a flying fudgsicle.

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52 on a digital clock looks like ET’s head.

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LG has a hidden Pacman in their logo.

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So does CBS.

Never Be Unseen Againnikkolas-smith.deviantart

Water fountains come with great wi-fi.

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The colonel has a giant head and tiny body.

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This children’s museum has a building with nipple clamps.

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The USB symbol is really a little walking man.

Never Be Unseen Again


What is hidden inside bodybuilders.

Never Be Unseen Againweknowmemes

Cat paws are really tiny teddy bears.

Never Be Unseen Againtigon.deviantart

Now you will get emotional every time you throw something out.

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Just try to look at a duck bill without seeing the dog again.

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The MLB logo is actually a bird with arms.

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