The Wrapped Reichstag was a monumental art installation by artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude in 1995. It involved covering the historic Reichstag building in Berlin, Germany, with over 100,000 square meters of silvery fabric and securing it with 15 kilometers of blue rope. The project took decades to realize, with the artists first proposing the idea in 1971 and gaining approval only in 1994 after lengthy negotiations and debates.

The wrapping lasted for just two weeks, during which millions of visitors witnessed the Reichstag transformed into a shimmering, otherworldly sculpture. The installation symbolized transformation and rebirth, coinciding with Germany’s reunification and the Reichstag’s upcoming role as the seat of the German Parliament.

It remains one of Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s most celebrated works, exemplifying their vision of creating temporary art that reshapes how we see iconic landmarks.