What’s The Dumbest Thing You’ve Ever Heard Someone Say?

A Reddit user asked, “What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever heard someone say?” and here are 40 of the most hilarious responses.

Here are more ‘dumb’ posts.


dumbest thing000Rohit

some girl once told me that it was impossible for me to be vietnamese bc vietnam was a war and not a country. this happened while in college smh



A few years ago leading up to the great American eclipse a coworker overheard us discussing it and said “Y’all don’t actually believe in that [stuff] do you?” I figured he misunderstood whatever we were talking about and thought we were talking about mysticism or something regarding the eclipse but no he followed up with “Don’t you know if the moon went into the sun it would melt, that’s why the eclipse can’t be real.”

I genuinely felt like humanity should probably start over from scratch after that.


dumbest thinglavernican

Work at a hotel. Guest asked why there was no fourth of July parade or any fireworks in town. We were in Australia.



When I was like 13 I told my friend that there was such a thing as a Liger. They had successfully mated a lion and a tiger. His response “you idiot, tigers ARE female lions”


We took the argument to his mother to settle it. She took his side


dumbest thingFrankieMint

“It’s been proven that if you dream about falling and hit the ground in your dream you will die in your sleep.”

Yeah? If someone dies in their sleep, how do you know what they were dreaming?



A girl in my class asked why do farms exist if she gets her food from the supermarket.The teacher had such a disappointed face and everyone looked at her and wondered how did she pass the all the way through the 8th grade


dumbest thingCaptainAwesome06

I worked retail as a summer job about 17 years ago. I was putting out coffee cups with a coworker.

“Why don’t they make left handed coffee cups?”

I quietly turned one of the mugs 180 degrees without saying anything.

Last I heard she was the assistant manager of that department.



My sister panicked whilst on a plane and asked if she could open a window as she was feeling really hot – the guy in the seats across from her lost it, it made his day



“Wait is it just me or do meteors always land in craters” said the smartest guy in my class



dumbest thingnigglebit

22-year-old girlfriend, after having walked under some street lamps: “I just discovered that we have 2 shadows. I think the other one is only visible at night.”

I explained what shadows are and how they’re dependent on the light source. There was visible brain processing strain on her face.