Latest stories
Rescued Kitten Can Only Sleep On Owner’s Foot
20 Of The Most Beautiful Cats In The World
25 photos which show why every child should have a pet
Men Rescue A Terrified Kitten With Its Head Stuck In A Glass Jar…Poor Thing
Meet Aurora, The Fluffy Cat Princess
Meet Thor, The Bengal Cat With Purrfectly Beautiful Fur
Dying Cat Holds His Owners’ Hands On Their Final Trip
11-Year-Old Boy Works Miracles With His Very Own Animal Shelter
These cats haven’t seen each other in a few days. Does that explain their behavior?
Find Out Why This Kitten Is Giving Grumpy Cat A Run For Her Money
Cats in Thailand seem to have a much higher skill set. Can you believe THIS?
How can this cat be so relaxed? Look where it is!
This Cat Tried To Wake Up His Sleepy Friend… And What Happened Made Me Laugh Out Loud!
Kitten Trapped In Storm Drain Rescued After 96 Hours!
Kitten Escapes Pet Store Display To Play Its Lonely Dog Friend
Cat Adopts And Nurses A Puppy Who Lost His Mother
This Strange Wild Cat Is Called A Caracal… And It Might Just Be The Cutest Animal In The World.
This Homeless Cat Walked Up To A Street Musician… And The Most Wonderful Thing Happened.
This Cat Dances Like A Ballerina When No One Is Looking