Murals by NemO’s called “Before And After” have transformed over time to reveal some interested hidden messages.
Constructed from paper and acrylic paint, these interactive pieces literally ask the audience to become involved. Whether placed in galleries or on the street, each one welcomes those passing by to please tear away at the outer layer of the paper.
Once leaving the outer layer behind, what’s revealed is NemO’s secret image. Basically, these pieces are huge scratch and sniff ads! The difference, instead of offering a new scent, scratch and sniff reveal a gnawing truth about humanity.
The design of these pieces puts an emphasis on the interaction of the people passing by and the friction that exists today. As time passes by and random people pass by, there is an interaction and the piece of art is completed. NemO’s stated that the series is “one that had only just begun with the hands of the artist.” The new idea was in the use of a technique that, like a drawer of secrets, needed collaboration, consideration, intuition, and something that would satisfy the sixth sense known as “Curiosity”.
Check out the images and see what you think. Also you can visit his website.