Photographer Thibaud Poirier captures modernist church interiors around the world in his photograph series ‘Sacred Spaces’. It is explained on the official site of the series ‘Architecturally, Thibaud Poirier was inspired by the astounding variety of church design. There are only but a few physical signs that bind them together: a visual focal point, usually but not always a cross, rows of seating trained on the visual cue, and a space clearly designed to spark wonder, reflection, devotion.’
Notre-Dame-du-Travail, Paris, France (Jule-Godefroy Astruc, 1902)

Notre-Dame du Raincy, France (Auguste et Gustave Perret, 1923)

Saint-Jacques-le-Majeur, Montrouge, France (Erik Bagge, 1940)

Kruiskerk, Amsterdam (Marius Duintjer, 1956)

Saint-Martin de Donges, France (Jean Dorian, 1957)

Saint-Rémy de Baccarat, Baccarat, France (Nicolas Kazis, 1957)

St. Johann von Capistran, Munich, Germany (Sep Ruf, 1960)

United States Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel, Colorado Springs (Walter Netsch, 1962)

Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette, Paris, France (Henri Colboc, 1965)

Saint Pierre Et Saint Paul, Pau, France (André Remondet, 1970)

Notre-Dame-de-l’Arche-d’Alliance, Paris, France (Architecture-Studio, 1998)

Saint Ignatius, Tokyo, Japan (Sakakura Associates, 1999)

Cathédrale de la Résurrection, Evry, France (Mario Botta, 1999)

Herz Jesu Kirche, Munich, Germany (Sattler, Allmann et Wappner, 2000)

Saint-François de Molitor, Paris, France (Corinne Callies et Jean-Marie Duthilleul, 2005)