Responsible Older Brother Breaks Up A Playful Puppy Fight

It looks like these two playful pooches are getting a little out of hand! There is way too much barking going on back and fourth! Even though they have no bad intentions, their older brother comes to the rescue to separate them and teach them a lesson about love and respect. What a good dog! He is the perfect clever pooch, and is so good at calming every one down. He preciously scolds and calms down both puppies. We can all learn a thing or two from this responsible dog! Watch as this little guy breaks up a fight on the living room couch, then scolds those involved. He isn’t going to let them get away with anything! They need to learn how to be nice to one another!

After their older brother talked to them, these puppies learned a valuable lesson. The pooch got his peaceful afternoon and we definitely got an instant mood booster after watching this adorable situation occur. It doesn’t hurt that these dogs are absolutely the cutest as well! This is too funny! No one is going to mess with this dog anytime soon, especially after seeing how fast these playful pooches stopped barking, hilarious!

Check out this awesome video of this responsible dog breaking up a puppy fight!