20 Cute Photos Proving Animals Are Furry Human Copies

1 . When you put your hat on without your mom’s request and realize you’re an adult:

Photos Proving Animals Are Furry Human Copies

2. When you eat 4 pancakes instead of 3:

Photos Proving Animals Are Furry Human Copies© hansolo625 / Reddit

3. When the photographer asks you to smile during a family photo shoot

Photos Proving Animals Are Furry Human Copies© kobagsd / Reddit

4. When you order a salad but your boyfriend’s dish tastes so much better

Photos Proving Animals Are Furry Human Copies© Itsyaboibiggyt / Reddit

5. When you come home and realize you’ve forgotten about an important event and your girlfriend is like

Photos Proving Animals Are Furry Human Copies© NoContextBot / Reddit

6. When you’re in your comfort zone and just don’t care

Photos Proving Animals Are Furry Human Copies© mastaberg / Reddit

7. When you hurt your pinky toe

Photos Proving Animals Are Furry Human Copies

8. When you take a nap and wake up 10 hours later

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9. When a sad song comes on and you imagine that it’s about you

Photos Proving Animals Are Furry Human Copies

© Irreflex29 / Reddit

10. When you post your first Instagram selfie

Photos Proving Animals Are Furry Human Copies© MemeDeli / Reddit