During 1849 up to 1915, almost more than 48,000 houses were built with Edwardian and Victorian styles in the city of San Francisco. They painted these houses using bright colors as their way to give emphasis to the architectural details of these houses. They used eye catching and unusual colors for house painting such as Orange, Chocolate, Yellow, Red and many more.

During World War Periods, they also painted these houses with battleship colors and surplus paint from the Navy. After the 1906 earthquake, there are some houses which were demolished while they stripped covers décor of these houses. They covered stripped off using other materials such as aluminum, stucco, brick, tarpaooer and many more while some houses were burned.

During 1963, Butch Kardum, an artist from San Francisco started combining different colors in order to add designs to these San Francisco houses. He used Green and Blue as part of exterior designs of these houses. There are some people who criticized Kardum’s taste for choosing colors while some people found his creation and style stunning and lovely.

There are many people who began copying the style to their own houses. Several artists such as Jazon Wonders, Bob Buckner and Tony Catatich transformed dozens of houses into stunning Painted Ladies houses. In 1970’s, there are many people who decided to make their entire streets colorful. As of now, the people continue this tradition.