The ongoing excavations in the Taş Tepeler (Stone Hills) Project revealed new Göbeklitepe and Karahantepe findings.
The findings provide more information on the people who built them, their beliefs, arts, and culture. They consist of stone statues, sculptures, and shapes and icons around them.

Göbeklitepe and Karahantepe sites are the oldest proofs of a civilization on earth. Furthermore, many experts describe the sites as the zero point of history. They are in the city of Şanlıurfa, Türkiye, dating back to 12,000 years ago.

According to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the recent excavations unearthed a painted wild boar statue, a human statue, and a vulture statue. All statues are new gateways to understanding pre-historic art and culture.
Among the new Göbeklitepe and Karahantepe findings, the painted wild boar is one of the most interesting ones. The wild boar’s size is very life-like and it has red, black, and white pigments on it. In addition, the statue has become the first painted statue belonging to its period.

Moreover, the boar reveals intricate craftsmanship as it has icons such as human faces, snakes, an H-shaped symbol, and a moon. The boar which is made of limestones stands on a stone bench in Göbeklitepe’s “D Structure.”

Aside from Göbeklitepe’s findings, in the excavations in Karahantepe, a 2.3-meter 7 ft 6 inch human statue has been found. The statue was in the ground and is another example of detailed craft. The figure has a realistic face structure and a life-like autonomy. In the body of the statue, there are ribs, spine, and shoulder bones.
Side profile of 12,000-year-old 7 ft 6-inch humanoid statue recently unearthed at Karahantepe.

A close-up view of the front – look at those eyes!

Moreover, the features of the statue make it one of the best examples of pre-historic art. Around the human statue, a vulture sculpture has also drawn the attention of the team of archeologists at the site. The vulture sculpture has a beak, eyes, and wings carved into the stone.