Motorcycle postmen, also known as motorcycle mail carriers or motorcycle delivery agents, have played a significant role in the history of postal services. It was one of the fastest ways of delivering in the early 20th century. Here are some vintage photos of motorcycle postmen captured in the 20th century
Motorcycle postman in Washington D.C., May 1912

Three-wheeled mail collection motorcycle in Washington, D.C. The motorcycle was used only on an experimental basis in DC in 1912

A mail carrier stands with his Wagner 4-11 motorcycle next to a postal box along his route near Newell, South Dakota, 1915

A group of motorcycle postmen posing with single-cylinder Harley-Davidsons in front of the U.S. Post Office, Kiowa, Kansas, 1912

German postman on NSU Quickly moped, ca. 1957

German postman on DKW Hobby motor scooter, ca. 1956

Rural mail carrier on a Harley Davidson motorcycle in Bartow, Florida, 1912

Mail delivery via Harley-Davidson motorcycle sidecar, Washington, D.C. circa 1924

Telegram boy on a motorcycle, 1964

Telegram messenger, 1934