The Egyptian government surprised everyone by deciding to build a massive highway right through a residential area. The newly constructed highway will be placed mere inches from people’s homes, resulting in not only terrible noise and pollution levels but also posing an incredible risk of accidents. When the highway project was announced, many residents of housing areas that the highway cuts through were dismayed by the news. Despite the highway being an elevated bridge a long way above their homes, the residents believed that it was not ideal to be living so close to the highway and even staged a protest of disagreement.
The massive highway is almost just 50cm away from residential buildings in some areas

Social media have been blowing up with images of the under-construction Teraet Al-Zomor Bridge, also known as the King Salman Axis, being so close to a number of residential buildings that it seems like it’s connected to them. To put things into perspective, the specific part of the highway bridge shown in the photographs is said to be roughly 50 centimeters away from the residential buildings. This means that the highway is within arm’s reach of people’s balconies.
King Salman Axis is 12 kilometers long and up to 65.5 meters wide. The estimated cost for the project is around 5 billion Egyptian pounds or almost 317 million US dollars

People are objecting to the construction of the highway, stating that permits to build residential buildings have been acquired back in 2008. Mohamed Fouad, a member of the Parliament, has been pushing for a reconsideration of the highway project, saying that it puts the residents in danger and violates their privacy.