Clever Furniture Designed to Double as Bike Rack to Save Space in Small Apartments

Ever imagined that you could combine your furniture with a bike rack?  Well now you can.  Full of genius idea and all sorts of practicality that will many any space saver scream with joy, these options are great for combining our storage needs with a place to keep your bike in your apartment.  Since apartments are tiny enough as it is, there is no need to worry about trying to find a place to keep it with these handy, charismatic options.  Each one is full of style so that you don’t have to sacrifice anything.  The only catch in this entire scenario is that right now these options – exciting and new as they are – are only available in Chile.  Perhaps with enough media attention and sponsors, we can make them available everywhere so everyone can enjoy them. One can only hope.  For the time being, however, you’ll just have to relocate yourself to the exciting country of Chile to take advantage of this fantastic furniture.  That’s a good enough reason to totally uproot your life, right?  We think so.  It’s your life, anyway!  Do what you want with it! Manuel Rossel: Website | FacebookInstagram  via [Design TAXI and Fast Company]