Lost Dog Reunites With Owner After Being Injured

There are animals out there that are somehow lost and missing their loving home. This time it is not another abuse story but a story of a lost dog and his owner’s heart-warming reunion.

A dog named Baby was found all alone, he didn’t only get lost but he was also bitten by another dog. Animal Control was able to find the owners and it was understood that Baby was coming from a good, loving family. They were looking for the dog everywhere and had posted on the internet.

Before the owner came to see her dog, the vets took care of him and ran some tests to find out that his white blood cell count was raised. The baby also had skin issues which may have been caused by food allergies. Even though the owner was already working with another vet, the vets offered their help to solve the dog’s problem and prepare a plan as soon as possible and prescribed some medication.

When Baby and his owner were reunited, Baby was wagging his tail and licking his owner like crazy as the owner was about to weep for joy. It was obvious, Baby was happy to be going back home.