Here are some of Leonardo da Vinci‘s impressive drawings and sketches
Part one of Da Vinci’s ”Studies of the Fetus in the Womb”, ca. 1511, which correctly depicts a human fetus in a breech position inside a dissected uterus.

Views of a Fetus in the Womb

Design for a giant crossbow by Leonardo da Vinci.

Leonardo Da Vinci vs. Google Maps In 1502 Leonardo made this magnificent map of Imola, Italy.
Leonardo paced the lengths of the streets, took bearings from the tower of the Palazzo Comunale at the central crossroads, and presumably worked out the layout by geometry on a lost sheet, as no construction lines are visible here. The irregularities in the rectilinear street plan testify to the accuracy of the map, which may still be used to find one’s way around Imola today. But it has been noted that some details of the buildings were out-of-date, suggesting that Leonardo relied on an earlier survey of the town for the ground plans and property boundaries – though why he or Cesare cared about such details is unknown, for their primary concern must have been the fortifications of the town. Pen lines divide the circle into eight, each further subdivided into eighths by stylus lines, allowing bearings to be given with some precision. In the margins Leonardo wrote the distances and directions to other towns and cities, such as ‘Imola sees [vede] Bologna at five-eighths from the west towards the north-west at a distance of 20 miles [32 km].’

Geometries by Leonardo da Vinci

Sketches and notes by Da Vinci describing how by pouring hot wax into an ox’s heart, making a mould of thin glass from the cast, and then pumping water mixed with seeds through it, he deduced the essential role of the vortices in the sinus of Valsalva in the closing of the aortic valve

The Vitruvian Man

Leonardo’s Self Portrait

Two Horsemen Fighting a Dragon

Muscles of the Back

Anatomical studies of the shoulder

Water Lifting Devices

Sketch of a Roaring Lion

Study for the head of Leda