“Moss People” Ceramic Sculptures Bring Nordic Fairy Tales to Life

These amazing sculptures are made out of ceramic and coated in moss to create something straight out of a Norse legend.  Based on their semi-creepy appearance though, some might say that they are straight out of a nightmare.  The youthful appearance of multiple of the sculptures at first makes them cute but as soon as you realize what they are doing it appears a little more like something out of a horror movie.  For example, one is of a girl holding a miniature girl in her palm and staring evilly at her little palm person. These pieces of art are molded and covered in moss by sculptor Kim Simonsson.  These pieces of art are quite realistic while still quite clearly showing the artist’s hand at work.  This was the intention of these pieces, to bring something so eerie so close to life.  They are on exhibit at the Jason Jacques gallery in New York until October 28th.

Kim Simonsson: Website | Facebook via [Voice of Nature, Hi-FructoseTL mag]

Ceramic Sculptures Bring Nordic Fairy Tales to Life

Ceramic Sculptures Bring Nordic Fairy Tales to Life

Ceramic Sculptures Bring Nordic Fairy Tales to Life

Ceramic Sculptures Bring Nordic Fairy Tales to Life

Ceramic Sculptures Bring Nordic Fairy Tales to Life

Ceramic Sculptures Bring Nordic Fairy Tales to Life

Ceramic Sculptures Bring Nordic Fairy Tales to Life