If you wish to have a long life, probably you would like to be like Jonathan the Tortoise. Tortoises have the longest lifespan among any animal which is comparable to human being. However, they can live much longer like Jonathan who is around 182 years old. According to experts the number of concentric rings on tortoise’s carapace might give you a hunt to how old the animal is. Imagine how old Jonathan is for witnessing the World War I , World War II and other historical events despite of his innocence of what is happening around him. He survived everything way back in 1902, where his first photo was taken. At present time, Jonathan the Tortoise is world’s oldest living land animal.

Knowing More Jonathan, The Tortoise
Jonathan is a friendly tortoise which is estimated 182 years old from his estimated birth date in 1832. After his 50 years old from the time the photo was taken in 1902, Jonathan is now a full grown tortoise, still adorable and strong despite of his age. Jonathan is currently living at the Plantation House with St Helena’s governor along with other tortoises. Though he was the oldest in the pack, he remained humble and friendly. In fact, he is more interest in young female tortoise which a good sign for more long years of healthy life. Jonathan’s active libido is an indicator of youthful spirit, vigor, and health.

Jonathan’s Current Health Condition
Despite of Jonathan’s active interest in mating, Tortoise’s famous vet, Joe Hollins observes age-related declines such as Jonathan’s vulnerability to cold temperature than other tortoises. He is having a hard time to keep his ideal weight because of not eating the right amount of forage. To make him strong and healthy, the vet compensates Jonathan’s body need for high calories by providing him with a special meal once a week.