Rare and Stunning Photographs of Iggy Pop Taken by His Girlfriend Esther Friedman

Esther Friedman was Iggy Pop’s girlfriend for seven years, from roughly 1976 to 1982. They met while Iggy was living in West Berlin with David Bowie, where the two Rock stars were hoping to dry out after a period of heavy drug use. Iggy and Bowie lived at Hauptstrasse 155 in Schöneberg. At that time, Friedman was a prolific photographer, and she took many revealing photographs of Iggy Pop in various locales.

Iggy Pop photos Esther Friedman

Iggy Pop photos Esther Friedman

Iggy Pop photos Esther Friedman

Iggy Pop photos Esther Friedman

Iggy Pop photos Esther Friedman

Iggy Pop photos Esther Friedman

Iggy Pop photos Esther Friedman

Iggy Pop photos Esther Friedman

Iggy Pop photos Esther Friedman

Iggy Pop photos Esther Friedman

Iggy Pop photos Esther Friedman

Iggy Pop photos Esther Friedman

Iggy Pop photos Esther Friedman

Iggy Pop photos Esther Friedman

Iggy Pop photos Esther Friedman

Iggy Pop photos Esther Friedman

Iggy Pop photos Esther Friedman

Iggy Pop photos Esther Friedman