22 Awesome Things Google Can Do For You. I Just Rediscovered #14 And Now I’m Stuck…

In the previous year, there were 2,161,530,000,000 searches were made on Google. But sadly, not most of them knew the underlying power of Google!
Listed below are few of the powerful things that Google is capable of doing about which not many people have an idea.

Help you choose the right dinner.

google tricks

It can also work as a timer.

google tricks

Know the time of sunrise and sunset in your area.

google tricks

Zerg Rush can be played using Google.

google tricks

The weather forecast for your city can be known by typing your place name followed by forecast.

google tricks

If you start your site using “site:” followed by your search, the search results only from that website will be visible.

google tricks

Tips can be calculated based on the percentage by typing in tip calculator.

google tricks

Flight timings and status can also be known.

google tricks

Search for “do a barrel roll” and see what happens!

google tricks

When you search “tilt” and see what happens.

google tricks

If you want to know about your favorite show, you can search for It on Google.

google tricks