10+ Awesome Animal Selfies That Will Make Your Darn Day

1. Selfie With The Crew

cat gang selfieyoremahm

2. Self-Portrait Of A Female Celebes Crested Macaque, Who Had Picked Up Photographer David Slater’s Camera And Photographed Herself With It

macaque selfiepublic domain

3. Chillin’ With The Gang

cat gang selfieyoremahm

4. Omg Quokka!

quokka selfieTobyCostanzo

5. I Woke Up Like This

sloth selfie

6. My Cousin Wanted A Selfie With A Kangaroo

kangaroo selfieRedBearski

7. But First Let Me Take A Selfie

lion gang selfieChris Mclennan

8. Beautiful Husky

husky selfie

9. Bella Takes A Selfie

dog selfieRedwoodRedemption

10. Tufted Titmouse Selfie

bird selfieSpin737