Photographer Captures Stunning Facial Expressions of Wild Big Cats

Saeed Aljafar (saedgraficss) has been a photographer for 28 years and as well as being a wildlife photographer has his own studio.

He captures stunning facial expressions of big cats.

A male cheetah on Masai Mara, one of the famous five looks almost like smiling.

Just finished mating after a big fight with one of his companion.

facial expressions of wild big cats

A scared and surprised face of a cheetah cub when he saw the hyena coming to steal the prey from the mother and her cubs

facial expressions of wild big cats

Lion shaking head to remove annoying flies, Flies humiliate the mighty

facial expressions of wild big cats

Malaika’s cheetah cub

facial expressions of wild big cats

Guffaw laugh ?

Leopard has just finished his dinner and cleaning

When the lion display his rage, gives evidence to his strength, especially when he’s annoyed

Fangs, some of 32 teeth Leopards have.