Have you ever thought about how our alphabet been shaped in today’s form? The chart of the evolution of the Latin alphabet shows the alphabet’s journey from 1750 BCE to the present. Matt Baker, who is the creator of the evolution of alphabet chart, makes charts of many things that might be interesting for people. The evolution of the Latin alphabet chart, which was made by Baker, shows the thousands of years journey of the modern alphabet.
The evolution of the Latin alphabet chart shows the alphabet’s journey from c. 1750 BCE to the present.
Our letters have a so interesting history. For example, the letter ‘E’ had today’s shape after a long journey from a shape that looks like a fish, when were Proto-Sinaic (c.1750 BCE) period. It was shaped in a form that is similar to today’s shape in Phoenician (c. 1000 BCE) period. In addition to that, it is interesting to see the letters ‘X, Y, Z’ take part in the alphabet in a period when is not much before today.