Elegant Cat Furniture Purrfectly Complements a Contemporary Interior

In order to keep your cat happy, you usually have to go through a large series of beds before you can find one that he’ll actually use.  And, of course, it has to clash with your interior design right?  Well, worry no more.  Meyou, a cat-themed company, has created gorgeous beds that will blend perfectly with your furniture and design pattern by being simplistic and eye-catching in all the best ways.  What’s perfect about it all, however, is that your furry friend will actually use it!  He will find it as comfortable and exciting to play in as any other kind of bed, or perhaps more so.  You don’t have to worry about how it looks or feels for you or your cat.  Essentially, your problems are all solved!

More Info: Website | Kickstarter (h/t: Contemporist)

Elegant Cat Furniture

Elegant Cat Furniture

Elegant Cat Furniture

Elegant Cat Furniture

Elegant Cat Furniture

Elegant Cat Furniture

Elegant Cat Furniture