Here is a collection of cute and impressive designs from the distant past
Egyptian/Phoenician Glass Dog Head Bead, 6th-4th Century BC

The amber bear amulet, 3500 years old

Sumerian Statues, Iraq, ca. 2700 BCE

A 3,000-year-old clay pig found in 2020 at the Lianhe Ruins in China. When it was discovered, the pottery has gone viral as it looks similar to the pigs in AngryBirds. Now housed at the Sanxingdui Museum

Snake Sculpture from U Thong District in Thailand, 6th – 11th century now showing at Bangkok National Museum

Bes, a dwarf god and protector of young children and pregnant women, is depicted in this faience bell from the first millennium B.C. Photo courtesy Egypt Center / Swansea University

Soapstone carving of a whale. California, United States, Chumash culture, 1200-1600 CE. Photo Credit: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Hittite carved crystal hedgehog, from Anatolia, ca. 1500 B.C.E.

Cute toad (oldest form of frog idol) bringer of rain and fertility in Vichama, archaeological site of the Caral Civilization in Peru. 1.800 to 1.600 BC.

A Bowl with Human Feet from Pre-dynastic Egypt, ca. 3900–3650 BC, Period: Late Naqada I – Naqada II. Collection: The Met.

A 1800-year old ceramic horse. Han Dynasty (202 BCE– 9 CE, 25–220 CE), now housed at the Sanxingdui Museum in China

A wheeled asphalt and limestone hedgehog statuette, Iran (c. 1500 BCE)