We’ve all seen those cute little photos of animal themed food that the Japanese culture is so famous for creating, and we can also see how it has been inspiring other chefs from around the world to put some of that fun and cuteness into their own designs. It’s no secret that us consumers are more willing to buy some food with cute little designs on it, than we are the plain equivalent. It could be because we are finicky, but a better explanation is because us humans love to enjoy our food, and the best way to do that is to make it look cute.
The Japanese are known for their Panda shaped sushi and the floating cat marshmallows in coffee, but now there are options such as cat doughnuts (a crowd favourite) and a sleeping bear made of rice under a scrambled egg blanket that is both delicious and adorable at the same time. If you are someone who loves Instagram and showing your meals off to everyone, these are ones you are going to want to see.