Corpus, meaning “body” in Latin, is the first human biology interactive museum, opened in 2008 in Oegstgeest, Netherlands. The structure attracts attention with a huge human figure sitting next to an eleven-story glass building. Although this giant orange body looks as if it only has half of its body, the other half sits inside the building.

Being the first interactive human body museum, the Corpus Museum offers a tour around the human body as if you were a microorganism inside it.

The “journey through the human body” starts with the knee and ends in the brain. On the way, the visitors learn about the human anatomy and how the organs function. Initially, they arrive at the knee via an escalator, then step inside an open wound. Next comes the genital area where people witness how a sperm fertilizes an egg.

The intestines digesting a sandwich follow the genital area. Passing through the heart and the lungs, one reaches the head. Then, visitors can observe inside of a mouth or the pulsing neurons in the brain. Children can also jump on the giant tongue, making a burping sound coming from the speaker system. Finally, the Corpus Museum offers interactive activities for further information about the human body.