Modern world people use a lot of various accessories just for fashion, such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, glasses, and piercing. However, these accessories and similar tools have been used throughout history yet for purposes except for fashion. To set an example, we can say Egyptian Pharaoh Headdresses (Head Crowns) as the symbol of power and sovereignty or ottoman rings representing prestige and dignity.
One of the excellent examples of the accessories being used not just for fashion is lip plates used by Mursi, Chai, and Tirma groups living in Africa. There are different beliefs about lip plates; one of them is that these plates were used to create ugliness to make females repellent for the slave merchants. Another one is that the size of the plate indicates the greatness of wealth and reputation.
We can clearly see that our purposes change. Having your lip pierced or cut and make the hole bigger can be the fashion or a part of the culture. However, both of them are a kind of trend thus the difference between a trend’s purpose being a fashion and a culture is mesmerizingly interesting.