Verdenskortet, also known as the World Map Park, is a unique attraction featuring a large-scale map of the world in Klejtrup town, Denmark. The park was made from soil and stones between 1944 and 1969 by a man named Søren Poulsen who lived on his family farm on the banks of Lake Klejtrub. The finished map called the Verdenskortet measures 45 by 90 meters. It is also entirely to scale. That is, each 27 centimeters corresponds to 111 real-world kilometers.

Verdenskortet allows its visitors to walk across the “world,” stepping from continent to continent and learning about geography in a unique, hands-on way.

The idea for the map came to Poulsen while he was working on draining the nearby lake. He noticed a stone that resembled the Jutland peninsula of Denmark. Therefore, he decided to create a world map using the stones from the lake. The park also includes small lakes and channels representing the oceans and seas.