Hannam Place, an extraordinarily designed building by Seoul-based One O One Architects, is located in Seoul, South Korea. Text description provided by the architects. Hannam Place is located in the heart of Seoul, in a neighborhood where large and small galleries, small restaurants, embassies from around the world, and luxury houses are gathered. The name of the project “Hannam” is derived from the name of the neighborhood “Hannam-dong”.

The lower volume and upper volume of the narrow and long building of about 4m in width and 20m in length are separated, and there is an entrance through the gap between them. The distinction between the lower and upper volumes is a feature seen in most of the One O One Architects’ projects. In architecture designed by One O One Architects, the lower volume is created in close relationship with the ground, and the upper volume varies depending on the design conditions, urban context, and inner space.

Choi Wook, the principal architect of One O One Architects, emphasizes the importance of understanding the “터Tuh” in Korean architecture. The Korean word “터Tuh” means not only the physical ground itself but also an understanding of the ground, which is distinct from “Site”. In Choi Wook’s architecture, the lower volume is not a “Podium” that supports the architecture, but a “터Tuh” that embraces the surroundings.

In Hannam Place, the exterior of the upper volume is the white background for the complex surrounding situation. However, the metal elements and architectural details were made to stand out so that this small building could have a presence in the place. The metal was planned to be painted in maroon color, a color often seen in columns and beams in traditional Korean architecture. Eventually, it was finished in a brighter red than planned. A spiral staircase was placed at the front of the building to show people’s movement in the space. In his architecture, Choi Wook hides certain parts of his architecture thoroughly and actively reveals other parts to create the character of a place.

Photography by Jang Mi