photo credit: Screenshot from video of flying spaghetti monster. SERPENT Project, National Oceanography Centre, BP Exploration (Angola) Limited and Sonangol.
The vast and uncharted waters of the ocean are home to endless undiscovered species that we discover each and every day. One of the latest additions to that list looks a little quirky and out of the ordinary. Resembling some sort of alien-like ball of string, it has been appropriately named the flying spaghetti monster by researchers, in honour of its uncanny resemblance of a fictional monster.
Touched by His Noodly Appendage. Arne Niklas Jansson. Wikimedia Commons.
The satirical religion Pastafarianism takes a light hearted poke at religion in general, as evidenced by their parody take on the great Michelangelo painting – The Creation of Adam. It features the humble Flying Spaghetti Monster, and the likeliness of its real life namesake is pretty impressive.
Daniel Jones of the Nation Oceanography Centre managed to snap the image of the odd ball creature. It was found 125m (410ft) beneath the surface of the ocean in the waters close to the African country of Angola. The scientific name of the animal is actually Bathyphysa conifera and it is in the phylum category of animals, which is home to other common ocean dwellers such as jelly fish and corals.
Screenshot from video of the flying spaghetti monster. SERPENT Project, National Oceanography Centre, BP Exploration (Angola) Limited and Sonangol.
Check out its creepy movements as it makes its way through the waters.
[H/T: National Oceanography Centre]