20 Things Our Pets Do When We Are Not Looking

11. “My dog is always on the pot.”

Things Our Pets Do When We Are Not Looking© tuck_oddity / reddit

12. “Human, do you remember the documents you were so worried about? We got rid of them!”


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13. “Forgot to put my butter away.”

Things Our Pets Do When We Are Not Looking© Staufert / reddit

14. You will forgive anything if you see this look.

Things Our Pets Do When We Are Not Looking© ghazan / pikabu

15. “Meet Goten. The reason we have to hide our toilet paper in a cabinet.”

Things Our Pets Do When We Are Not Looking© RowSquadK / reddit

16. “Took some clothes out of storage. Left the room for 15 seconds, came back to see this.”

Things Our Pets Do When We Are Not Looking© Internetmomo / reddit

17. “My husky enjoying the view from my car”

Things Our Pets Do When We Are Not Looking© LemonTheTurtle / reddit

18. “What I woke up to this morning. Just awesome…”

Things Our Pets Do When We Are Not Looking© azphotogal / reddit

19. “We gave him some meds because he’s scared of thunderstorms and this was how he sat.”

Things Our Pets Do When We Are Not Looking

© BumblerNamedOy / reddit

20. “Seems like a good spot to take a drink.”

Things Our Pets Do When We Are Not Looking© MyNameGifOreilly / reddit