Be Warned These Evil Dolls Will Make Your Blood Run Cold

If you are someone who is into art that speaks in dark thoughts and emotions, these dolls are going to be right up your alley.  Created by Mari Shimizu in a studio in Amakusa, Kunomoto, Japan, these dolls are for sale for those that want to get into them.  They all show dead women in strange positions, with their body cavities open to show the organs.  Instead of their organs, however, it’s scenes in which lie and death are at war, shown by monsters, children, and animals all together.  It can often be a sight of terror for most of us, but it’s something to think about for those who love that kind of art.

mari shimizu disturbing dolls horror

mari shimizu disturbing dolls horror

mari shimizu disturbing dolls horror

mari shimizu disturbing dolls horror

mari shimizu disturbing dolls horror

mari shimizu disturbing dolls horror

mari shimizu disturbing dolls horror

mari shimizu disturbing dolls horror

mari shimizu disturbing dolls horror