Woman Quits Job To Build Sustainable Bamboo Homes In Bali

A successful fashion expert in the New York area, Elora Hardy, quit her job and started working towards sustainable housing in Bali by building bamboo houses. They have been working on enhancing bamboo houses since the past 5 years and are continuously evolving their model to ensure that they make use of renewable resources to the maximum extent possible. To ensure that the bamboo is not vulnerable from insects, her team treats it with boron, which is naturally available.

She recently spoke in a TED talk that bamboo was the most feasible and eco-friendly option available for building sustainable houses. Also, bamboo has to same compressive force of concrete, steel-like strength-to-weight ratio and is one of the most abundantly available plants worldwide. Also, when treated with boron, they last forever! ibuku.com | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | TED (h/t: treehugger)

bamboo house bali

bamboo house bali

bamboo house bali

bamboo house bali

bamboo house bali

bamboo house bali

bamboo house bali

bamboo house bali

bamboo house bali

bamboo house bali

bamboo house bali

bamboo house bali