Your Pet Doing This Might Be A Sign Of Something Serious

Animals almost always have a special way of doing things that we would normally do differently.  Animal actions don’t translate well to human actions and it’s probably the same vice versa.  We think of our animals as whimpering or mewing when they are sick or in pain.  What many people don’t realize is there are many other signs. One of these signs that your animal may be in pain will appear very weird to you.  Dogs and cats, along with a few other animals, will walk up to a wall and start pressing their heads against it to indicate that there is something wrong with them.  Known as head pressing, this exercise is used by animals to indicate a wide variety of problems from simple pain, to poison, to cancer and disease. If your animal starts head pressing, which may look like a head massage, it is a good idea to have your animal looked at by a vet.

Via: TipHero | Dog Heirs

Head pressing is something many animals do.

Your Pet Doing This Might Be A Sign Of Something Serious

Since we don’t speak dog or cat, we might not realize how serious this behavior is.

Your Pet Doing This Might Be A Sign Of Something Serious

There are many things which cause it, from cancer, to disease, to certain poisons.

Your Pet Doing This Might Be A Sign Of Something Serious

All require immediate medical attention. If you see this from any animal, act fast and you could save their life.

Your Pet Doing This Might Be A Sign Of Something Serious