Japanese Designers Create Nameless Paints To Change The Way Kids Learn Colors

There is all sorts of debate over the education system and how kids today are too refined by our labels to learn anything on their own. Whatever your opinion on the subject, it’s impressive to look at how these colour tubes are changing the way that we all (especially those precious children of ours) look at color. hese innovative tubes are marked only with the colour splotch and, in cases of those colours other than the primary ones, an equation to how this colour is produced. Products like these are designed to help reimagine what colour can be and, with this, learn new things that can be done with colour. This is also a form of colour therapy which is said to have very positive results in adult patients, It is hopeful that children, in learning this way, will develop the good results of colour as they age and benefit from it.

More info: kokuyo.co.jp (h/t: spoontamago)

Nameless Paints

Nameless Paints

Nameless Paints

Nameless Paints